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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Shoot To Kill

You may have seen this image floating on the net:

I could fully believe this is genuine (but it's not. See http://www.snopes.com/photos/signs/tubesign.asp ), especially in light of this article in the Guardian:
A police source has told the Guardian that there is no need for officers to verbally warn a suspect before opening fire.
The source said: "If the firearms team are reasonably certain the person is a suicide bomber then there is no need to issue any warning.
Hmm... I feel safe. What constitutes "reasonably certain"?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Who wants a month of television?

There are usually a few gems lurking amid the piles and piles of slush on boingboing.net:
What the Promise does is grab the entire broadcast TV multiplex -- all the channels being broadcast in the UK -- slices them up according to the free, over-the-air electronic programming guide, and stores an entire month's worth. Why program a TiVo to get certain shows for you when you can record every single show on the air, all at once...
Well, hmm... have you ever tried to watch E4 during summer? There's Big Brother "Live" (where the house apparently located beneath a very busy flight path that coordinates their take-offs with the housemates talking about something interesting) and... yeah, that's it. Okay, for all I know they don't do that plane noise bleeping thing any more - I haven't watched it in year but it does render a perfectly good channel completely unwatchable for 3 months every year.

But seriously, this Promise thing could be a great idea - with the number of times I've accidentally played Guild Wars for 6 hours solid it could come in really handy for when I realise three days later that I was planning on watching some new program that I've never seen. (Where I'm going to find the time to watch these recorded shows between having a life and fitting in the marathon Guild Wars sessions is another question entirely).

I'm confused though - how come recording a show off television and watching it lots of times later isn't illegal but downloading it from a friend (okay, a peer) is? Is downloading a show broadcast on a subscription-only channel that I don't have treated any differently from downloading last night's episode on Freeview that I could have taped but forgot to? What if I'm recording a HDTV broadcast using a lossless format? Can I send that to my friend who also has HDTV but only has a VHS recorder? If you know of a link that answers any of these questions, let me know!

Snopey questions

Bizarre unanswered questions on Snopes. Some of these are hilarious!
A friend of mine asked me if I've ever hear of invisible witches or ghosts that suck the blood out of a person's arm while they are sleeping. Apparently, she saw "marks" on her boyfriend's arm and this was the story that he told her.
how much would a penguin egg cost to buy and ship to texas email me as soon as you get the answer to this question bcuz i would like to buy a penguin egg so please email me asap!!!

Monday, July 25, 2005

And the answer is...

Pretty fucking soon, in response to my question on the 22nd of June, where I said:

I wonder how long it will be before people get suspicious of any closed containers and we all have to walk around with transparent rucksacks, spare tampons on display and all.
A reader's letter in the paper version of Metro this morning:

I was outside my building on Oxford Street this morning when a girl walks past wearing a huge rucksack. As everyone's been doing recently, I watched her as she walked by and stuck to the back of the rucksack with gaffer tape was a huge sign reading: 'I am going camping.'

But the definitely the scariest issue of the moment is the story of Jean Charles de Menezes:

Police have apologised over the death of electrician Jean Charles de Menezes, 27, who was shot when officers wrongly thought he was a suicide bomber... ...Police said his padded jacket had heightened suspicions about his journey. He was shot as he ran onto a train.
Heavy coats or clothing are often worn by suicide bombers in other parts of the world to help them disguise their bombs.

Despite what I'm sure that police forces around the world would love, running from a police officer is not a crime and certainly not an indication that one has been committed. I know if five plainclothed men started chasing me, I would panic and run like hell! And in that panic, adrenalin flowing and heart racing, I very much doubt I would hear or believe anyone shouting "Police!", nor would I stop until I found a uniformed police officer.

Let's see... what else did he do to arouse suspicion? He wore a padded jacket and his block of flats (not his specific flat!) was under surveillance. So he wore the wrong clothes and lived in the wrong place. His out-of-season padded jacket (he had recently spent eight months in Brazil with his father who was undergoing cancer treatment) wasn't suspicious enough to stop him getting on a public bus, but once he starts running for his life, he's clearly a suicide bomber and a threat to the public! Coz if I was a suicide bomber, I wouldn't just wait for the police to catch up with me and blow the living shit out of them, hmm?

But the story is still new - perhaps as all the facts emerge, we will find out that actually, the police made it obvious that they were officers before they started pursuing, and it won't have been their actions that triggered him into behaving strangely. Obscene as this may be to his family, I just hope that he was guilty of some crime that would justify his running from identified police officers - it means that there's some hope for the rest of us non-terrorists.

Saturday, July 23, 2005


Do you want to know more? I like Thetan level 7 personally.

I didn't spend the day looking up Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes! It's just really hard to avoid them at the moment :P

Subway Sandwiches

They're so tasty!

They've exploded into London now - everywhere you go you see the stalls - I have no problems with this coz it means I no longer have to drag my butt all the way to Tottenham Court Road and sneak into easyInternetCafe to get my Subway Melt fix. There's one practically next to my office! :)

I'm not sure about this newfangled toasting thing though - I don't think plastic cheese takes to being toasted very well and Hearty Italian bread goes very crumbly and gets everywhere. But I'm a person incapable of eating chocolate without melting at least a little bit into my jeans, so I'm sure you normal people can cope fine.

Anyway, the whole point of this post was to point you in the direction of this insider Q&A on Subway (so tasty!) I had no idea the bread-slicing technique was so involved. Check out Randy Walker's (former Sandwich Artist apparently) comment a few comments down

"The current method is called the "Hinge-Cut" because the bread hinges open. The bread is supposed to be cut down at a 45 degree angle from the top corner almost all the way through to the opposite corner. If the bread's flatter than it's supposed to be, the cut is almost always wrong (more acute angle, usually). If somebody cut the bread wrong, then they usually have problems closing the sandwich."

The amount of stuff they put in there, I didn't know it was supposed to be possible to close the sandwich.

Celebrity Couple

I'm not normally that interested in celebrity gossip (unless someone interesting has just freed up ;) but if this Katie Holmes interview on style.com is at all accurate, it's seriously creepy.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Sick of this bombing crap

That's all I have to say about it.

Saw a taxi being searched on the way into the Merrill Lynch building this morning. I wonder how long it will be before people get suspicious of any closed containers and we all have to walk around with transparent rucksacks, spare tampons on display and all.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Canary Wharf Summer Festival

On Friday night I saw the London Symphony Orchestra performing a John Williams Music Concert in the park at Canary Wharf. It started off traditionally enough - banal MC reading off his cue sheets and the orchestra opening with Superman, going through lots of Spielberg and Lucas films and finishing with the closing scene of Return of The Jedi. And then stormtroopers burst from the wings, took over the stage and Darth Vader strode out demanding that they let him conduct the Imperial March. So they did. Photos are here. Sadly, I couldn't get close enough to get a photo of Boba Fett on the cymbals at the back.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Religious Holidays - Purim - Jewish

From http://www.jewfaq.org/holiday9.htm

We are also commanded to eat, drink and be merry. According to the Talmud, a person is required to drink until he cannot tell the difference between "cursed be Haman" and "blessed be Mordecai," though opinions differ as to exactly how drunk that is. A person certainly should not become so drunk that he might violate other commandments or get seriously ill. In addition, recovering alcoholics or others who might suffer serious harm from alcohol are exempt from this obligation.

Obligation! My personal religious beliefs aside, this sounds like a fantastic holiday! :)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Feeling in London, one week later...

The midday 2-minute silence was quite poignant - looking around and seeing crowds of bowed
heads everywhere. It didn't quite hit home how complete the silence was until the first car engine started and the echoes reverberated off all the silent buildings surrounding us. I think all the traffic nearby stopped, not just the buses. Now I can hear traffic buzzing in the background but at midday there was nothing but the sound of the bells in the distance.

For most of us life goes on as normal. The tube is still packed at rush hour, buses are as busy
and unreliable as ever. For anyone working in security services or with the police, it must be
a nightmare. Everywhere you go there are police officers or Community Support Officers standing around, just making their presence felt. I went to the cinema the other day and the security guard who is always there asked to have a look inside my bag. On the D7 bus that morning we were stopped as we pulled into Canary Wharf and a security guard got in the bus and checked both decks for abandoned bags. There have always been the "Report any suspicious packages to the driver" poster campaigns on the buses and tubes. This particularly chilling one was launched in February 05 - I think we just notice them more these days.

I still feel that the best message we can send is to live our normal lives - go to work on the tube, celebrate our joys and mourn our sadnesses as usual. Refuse to be intimidated.

By saying "live our normal lives", I am assuming, of course that you are a reasonable,
rational human being. Not some fucking idiot who goes around setting fire to mosques at the slightest speculation of possible muslim involvement.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Today I learned...

BT are evil. Or staffed by idiots. But I'm going with evil, as it's nicer to believe that they're doing it deliberately and not just hiring monkeys to write their systems.

I moved house again in May 2005. BT have conveniently provided a handy "moving home" form in their online account management which allows you to tell them when and where you're moving from and to and they're very nice and called me back within a couple of days to confirm everything before I moved.

BT Bloke: "Okay, your old number will be cancelled at midday on the 21st and the line at your new place will be activated at the same time"

Me: "Cool, thanks!"

21st May rolls around. I pick up the phone at my old place just after midday to check (in case it wasn't cancelled and I could still use my broadband for a few minutes longer. Weeks without broadband... noooooo!) Yep, phone line is dead. No dial tone, calling in doesn't ring.

Yesterday, I receive a red bill that my payment for my first three months line rental is overdue.
Me: "Shit." I pay the bill online (Yay for online banking)

Today, my brain wakes up.

Me: "Heeeeey.. wait a minute! I just paid 80 quid for my line rental and calls this quarter when I know that line rental is about £30 per quarter. Arse."

So I whip out my BT Online Billing account, sit down, work out how much I should have paid and how much I have paid and call up BT.

BT: "For BT products and services, including BT Broadband press 1. For billing enquiries..." And so on. You get the picture. I wend my way through menus and the sub menus until I reach a person. Well, a holding message ("Thank you for calling BT. Your call is in a queue. We value your money. Err... we mean custom. We value your custom. Please hold for an advisor"). Finally, I get an advisor

Me: "Hi, I have a problem" blah blah explanation.

Friendly BT customer service bloke: "Okay, checking your account details. Hmm... yes, okay, I see. Hold on please while I talk to someone in sales to find out what's happened"

Me: "Okay"

On hold listening to: A really awful muzak version of The Police's - Can't Stand Losing You rendered on cheap synthesized saxophone. I think it's that song. A looping 30-second clip of it anyway. Yeah, BT are definitely evil.

BT Customer Service: "Okay, I'll just put you onto Brian in Sales. He'll tell you what's happened with your line"

Me: (bored now) "Okay"

BT Customer Service: *click* *bzzzzzzzzzzz* *dial tone*


Follow-up 45 minutes later:

They are also staffed by monkeys. After going through the entire ring, navigate menus and sit-on-hold-for-20-minutes process again I'm told that the original line was never stopped. Really? Then why was there no dial tone? And why do I get an unbroken hum when I try to dial it? On the bright (or at least less dimly-lit) side, he did manage to find my "stop" order, so I'm officially not liable for these charges (which I already knew) and should be getting a refund for the line rental. Will keep my eyes peeled for incoming money :)

Saturday, July 09, 2005

My new Guild Wars blog

Flaming Podling Pictures

It's a beautiful game. Thought I'd share our screenshots with the world :)

Friday, July 01, 2005

Miscellaneous postings

Most recent posts are at the top. Last updated 19th Oct 2005.
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My Film and Television Posts

Most recent posts are at the top. Last updated 20th Oct 05.
