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Monday, October 24, 2005

Wesley Crusher grew up to be Babylon 5's John Sheridan

Check it out on Wil Wheaton's temporary blog. Who knew? I was particularly amused by his comment "I was very grateful that I wasn't Wesley Crusher (not that there's anything wrong with that.)" There's nothing wrong with that at all.

I'd like to know who more TV sci-fi people really are. C'mon Joss Whedon, fill out the quiz here.
Apparently I'm Data from Star Trek:TNG:
"A controlled personality with a vast range of skills and behavior, you are often intrigued by the people and places surrounding you.

In the strictest sense, I did not win -- I busted him up."

So does lots of stuff, interested in learning about things and doesn't really identify with people. Yep, sounds like me.

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

BBC London is very depressing

Out of the past 19 posts in BBC online's London RSS feed, there are five articles about murder, two on terrorism, one random violence, one about accidental death, an arsenic warning and a policeman being dodgy.

There are some "happy" stories - some policemen won the lottery, the Queen had dinner on HMS Victory and loads of people are offering to help in the Kashmir earthquake aftermath.

The rest are pretty neutral. And not exactly newsworthy. Apparently Paula Radcliffe is to defend her London Marathon title (like there was any doubt of that), the Saatchi Gallery has been evicted (okay, mildly interesting) , a politician "keeps it real"and Robbie Williams was nervous before a concert until he saw David Beckham looking scared.

Well, thanks, BBC London. My life is now complete because Robbie Williams is comforted by Beckham. How about something useful to us London dwellers, like... hmm... the London Film Festival maybe? Stories that don't make us want to huddle in our homes, too afraid to talk to the neighbours. Not your thing? Okay, I'll have a shot:
There ya go. In ten minutes I've managed to find three stories, not one of which even hints at a murder! Given time and the motivation to actually drag my butt out of the house, I could probably even come up with some heart-warming tale of human interest. Schoolchildren perform for AIDS awareness campaign, perhaps*. And all without the benefit of journalistic training. Good, eh?

* This did actually happen a couple of years ago at Queen Mary College, East London. There was an afternoon-long presentation on AIDS awareness, with free condoms and femidoms and guest speakers. For some strange reason, halfway through the afternoon, 20 kids from a local primary school trooped out onstage and started doing some odd wandering/singing/dancing thing that culminated in them all standing in a row holding up a letter each to read something entirely unintelligible. I think they got it wrong. Heart-warming nonetheless!

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

UK Serenity ticket stub competition

UIP are apparently giving away "an exclusive Serenity gift" to crazy fans who see the film three times within between 7th and 31st October. The website is here andis registered by UIP so looks legit, though I haven't heard what the gift is from any of the forums, or if anyone has received one yet. Also, it looks like they've displayed the postcode as W!A 2YA, instead of W1A. Easy mistake to make but very unprofessional.

They did a pretty abysmal job of promoting this promotion, since I can't find a link to it from the official UIP or Serenity websites and there was no mention of it in the cinema or to the fans outside the London premiere. I found out about it from a friend and its been mentioned on a few forums, but that's it. Annoying, since I saw it once within the timeframe and binned my ticket. Lucky I have that Unlimited card :) I'm wandering into the cinema whenver I walk past and picking up a free ticket to the film each time. Only need one more! Yes, the gift is probably something really naff like a set of coasters but I don't care. It's exclusive ;)


My blog now has categories!

I have to enter them into this manually, since blogger doesn't have a post category function :(

You can get to them from the categories section in the sidebar. I find it's nicer than navigating by date. I've listed all my posts since 1st July 05, since that's when I started posting regularly and putting some actual effort into it.


Yubi-Wa! Bone-conducting wireless headset

Pic stolen from slashphone.com's article.

Justin McCurry from The Guardian describes this funky-sounding device which basically turns your finger into a stylus which you can then insert into an orifice in your skull. He says
"When the user's index finger is inserted into the ear, a bone conduction transceiver turns vibrations into sounds."

A bone conduction transceiver? I need to get a transceiver implant? Oh, you mean your ear! Technically, your eardrum, ossicles and cochlea I suppose. Bone conduction tranceiver, indeed! Is Mr. McCurry parroting buzzwords without comprehending them? I think so.

Judging by the picture this ugly thing is still a long way off mainstream use but the idea is cool. Other journalists have commented that sticking your finger in your ear just looks silly but if they get the thing down to a reasonable ring size, it wouldn't look any worse than people wandering around holding wired "hands-free" microphones to their mouths, or pressing on earpieces in noisy places. Can't be worse than side-talkin'...

Anyway, something to watch out for if they manage to develop one small enough to just clip inside your hat and buzz conversations through your skull. I'd buy it.

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Friday, October 14, 2005

A History of Violence reviewed - 1/5

I would have given it a 0 but the fleshy disfigurements were nicely gross, though few and far between.

IMDB entry

Maybe I just didn't understand the film but as far as I could tell, there was nothing there worth sitting in a cinema for two hours to see. I didn't come out entertained, I didn't come out changed and I certainly didn't come out with the intriguing new take on Life, the Universe and Everything which I was hoping for, from the number of reviews that said "thought-provoking". I came out bored and disappointed and glad I hadn't paid £6.50 to see it.

Looking at the film from a cerebral point of view, the concepts of running away from your history and what really makes a person could have been intriguing, but nothing was ever fully explored. From the point of view of Tom, the film pretty unequivocally took one side and there was never enough revealed about the lives of his family members to discuss their natures. You can't come to any reasonable conclusion about someone based on two five-minute scenes from an extraordinary time in their life.
Menacing villains were portrayed very convincingly (the entire cast was excellent provided we pretend that Tom's daughter wasn't really there) but their characters were very two-dimensional. Despite the intriguing beginnings, this whole film set out to impart one message only, and that message was uninteresting and simplistic. And it didn't need half an hour of footage of cars driving around to tell it!

Good lord, does the man have a newfound fetish for cars? Every scene that was outdoors had an extra twenty seconds of car footage forced into it as if the entire film had been funded by one massive product placement. Even a simple scene like going to the mall had to have a long slow shot of the car driving into the car park. If there was some significance to the interminable shots of cars everywhere, please let me know. I get the menacing scary bits, but 3 full minutes of an uneventful drive to Philadelphia? Unless there were volumes of speech being conveyed by some finely tuned nuances to Viggo's driving and expressions that simply didn't penetrate my bored stupor, I don't see the point of that scene at all.

Looking at the film from an entertainment point of view there are a few funny bits, a few action bits and some good gore. The first third is intriguing and full of atmosphere but broken by the refreshingly realistic, yet stilted and unsexy sex scene (Viggo's I've-died-and-gone-to-heaven face just makes him look like he hasn't gotten laid in years). Sadly, the intrigue is sorely let down by the Philadelphia section of the film which is just simplistic and lame gangster cliché.

Lastly, a note to Viggo: I know you played Aragorn, the hardest man in Middle-Earth so you're not used to this, but even when you're playing a guy with the nickname "Crazy", you can't wince at the strain of moving your freshly-shot arm in one scene and then be obliviously swinging bags around a couple of hours later. Unless there's a deleted scene of athelas-bathing in the DVD.


Application Keywords, or How To Blag A Place at Uni

According to The Guardian, psychologists and admissions tutors at University of Hertfordshire have identified the ten words to include on your application and ten words to avoid, if you want to be successful.

Hopefully these will apply to jobs as well. It's clearly the "always" that's been holding me back. My CVs usually have a sentence that runs something like "I always consider things carefully when making a decision..." Maybe I should just be honest - "I consider things carefully unless it looks boring or it's after 4pm on a Friday."

According to the list, what I should be saying is "I have developed transferable skills which mean that when I am involved in planning that may have an impact on my achievements I consider all the evidence, along with my individual experience and draw active conclusions."
"The top 10 words to include on an application form are:
  • Achievement
  • Active
  • Developed
  • Evidence
  • Experience
  • Impact
  • Individual
  • Involved
  • Planning
  • Transferable skills
The 10 words to avoid:
  • Always
  • Awful
  • Bad
  • Fault
  • Hate
  • Mistake
  • Never
  • Nothing
  • Panic
  • Problems"
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Serenity in 2000 words or less

I've mentioned Serenity so often I suppose I would be remiss in not linking to Ron Swartzendruber's Serenity in 2000 words or less, though it's all over the net at the moment. There are major spoilers. You have been warned.

Uh... there's no actual content in this post. Hmm... *wanders off to find something interesting to comment on*

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Monday, October 10, 2005

Flickr sets?

A few days ago (7th Oct 05) I posted that flickr would only let me create three sets for my photos, a limit that was not specified in the account info. At the time, I had tried to create a fourth set and it told me that I had reached the limit for my account type. Today I created two more sets with no problems.

What's going on here? Does anybody know the full limits of a free account or was it just a bug that's now been fixed? I know it can't be limited to three sets a day because I created the first three sets months ago.


Hanzis Matter

A brilliant little blog dedicated to combating ignorance in tattooing. They post images of tattoos that people send them and provide the real translations. Have a look here.
'One young lady's boyfriend emails me this photo and asking what the character really meant. Apparently the young lady was told by the tattooist that the character is Chinese for "magic".

It would be "Magic", if you want to make cocaine filled balloons disappear by stuff them into your body cavity before the DEA agents arrest you at the border.

The character has multiple meanings, and one of them is "body cavity".'
If I ever get a tattoo with foreign characters I'm making damn sure I get it translated by a native speaker that I trust before I get it permanently scrawled on my body.

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Serenity - Fruity Oaty Bars lyrics

Shamelessly pilfered from fireflyfans.net, with thanks to RocketJock who posted this in the forums:
"Fruity Oaty Bars
Make a man out of a mouse
Fruity Oaty Bars
Make you bust out of your blouse
Eat them all the time
They will blow your mind
Blow your little mind..."

Now anyone who saw the film can have that insidious little jingle stuck in your heads too! Muahahahaha!

Let me know if you see any good images of the octopus from that ad. I like it :)


Saturday, October 08, 2005

Black and White 2 - First Impressions

On the day of release, they have a patch. This does not bode well.

Even worse, the patch is not compatible with old save games, so if you're a hopeless optimist who thinks that mabe B&W/Lionhead studios can create a game that's fine straight out of the box... don't be so silly!

Actually, mine did work fine and they say that this patch is not a requirement. Then they go on to say that they hope the save games for the next patch will be compatible with this one?

Say what? You hope? You're writing the bloody thing, make it compatible! Or at the very least, provide an options that SHUTS THOSE IDIOT TWINS UP!

Fuck, I hate the tutorial characters, I really do. For those of you who didn't play the original Black and White game, there are two guys who float about offering advice, a devil and angel who call themselves your conscience and provide advice. They're annoyng and intrusive and they don't shut up. And this game has been designed so that you have to listen to them all the time. You can't click a button to skip their lines, you can't skip cutscenes and they're humongous and float right at the front of your screen, so you can't even play while you're ignoring them coz they're totally in the way. Little fuckers.

Out of the box, there's no option to skip the condescending movement tutorial - they ask you if you want a reminder on how to move but forgot to provide the "No" option. The patch does fix this but the movement tutorial is the only section you can skip. You still have to play through the "how to build roads and buildings" and "how to move your creature" sections. This would be slightly less unbearable if it was a video that you could put on and walk away from, but no. It's interactive. And yes, you have to sit through it again if you want to play both sides of the game.

To be fair, as characters they're very well done. They fly around and they're highly detailed and the voice acting isn't terrible. Also for some reason the devil's nipples bounce about an awful lot. But that doesn't make them any less intrusive.

The rest of the game is very pretty, the controls take a bit of getting used to and be prepared to be treated like a four-year old. Someone on the Lionhead forums was very proud that they could sit their four-year-old (who couldn't yet read properly) in front of this game and the kid had no trouble learning how it all worked and didn't need the parent's help at all. That's the level you're treated at in the UNSKIPPABLE tutorial. Which apparently continues through half the game. So if, like me, you played for half the night, so you could get past the tutorial and into the game proper... 1) You have about another 6 hours of condescending instructions to go. And 2) You have to do it all again if you want to patch it so it works properly.

I'm looking for good things to say about this game, but so far it's pretty difficult. Hopefully it gets better in the later lands.


Friday, October 07, 2005

Serenity kicks ass! (spoiler-free)

Brilliant film! There are millions of reviews out there that describe it all so some spoiler-free ones are here and here. It is much darker than the series ever was - think late-season-six Buffy compared to the early high-school episodes. That's no bad thing, it just feels a little jarring at the beginning. And okay, so some of the acting is a little dubious but the action and emotion draws you so far in that you just can't help enjoying the crazy ride! Go see it! And remember that the character-development holes are all explained in the series, so you should buy the DVD boxed set!

On another note, I had a wander down to Leicester Square on Wednesday to check out the stars at the UK premiere (s'pose the Edinburgh/World Premiere doesn't count) and see how the turnout was looking. There are posters all over the Underground and DLR so they had a decent marketing budget - maybe giving out free stuff! :)

Joss, Chiwetel, Nathan and Summer showed up. Joss (suit + shiny trainers) and Nathan (no tight pants) were both brilliant and stayed outside chatting to fans and signing their way up and down the entire crowd for about an hour. Summer (really tiny and elfin) signed for about 15 minutes, then did her interviews and buggered off inside. About 20 minutes later she reappeared, accompanied her publicist, and signed for about another 15 minutes - I suspect her publicist may have had strict words about ignoring her fans. Chiwetel did the same disappearing/reappearing trick. I managed to score some Serenity promo cards and got both Joss and Nathan to sign them (Yay! :) and took a few photos. Also "acquired" a large cardboard Serenity poster that had been cable-tied to the barriers. Good old swiss army knife :)

The few worthwhile photos are here on flickr.

Flickr keep quiet the fact that you can only have three sets on a free account. I like the look and feel of their site so I might go pro if there's enough money sitting in my PayPal account.


Sunday, October 02, 2005

I just don't get it

No, seriously. I don't think I would noticed what went on in this joke if it wasn't for the little explanation beside it. Thanks, "spill"!

And from a better post on boingboing.net - funny spoof film trailers made for a competition (quicktime format):


Four days until Serenity! :) (my local cinema has a few shows a day early ;)