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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Religious hypersensitivity follow-up

Woo, the BBC news people posted my comment! (Okay, in among about twenty others. Not the point!) They've cropped it down nicely, too. My original post about this article is here.

They've updated the article sicne my original post and now tell us that yes, the objection was to the book-slicing. Silly people - did they not realise that by citing Muslims as the reason, they were saying that it's okay to cut up the Bible and the Talmud? They've also added a quote from the Muslim Council of Britain. Nice to see that I was on the side of reason after all.

'The Muslim Council of Britain told the BBC News website: "We have not received any complaints about this piece of artwork.

"We would have preferred to have been consulted by Tate Britain before the decision was taken to remove John Latham's piece.

"Sometimes presumptions are incorrectly made about what is unacceptable to Muslims and this can be counter-productive." '
On another note, one guy, Jai Gomer, comments is that he is "disgusted" by the artist's comment in the article that "...It shows that all religious teaching comes from the same source". Jai goes on to call the artist narrow-minded and a bigot. Calm down, dude! The guy was trying to defend his art, not come up with a PC sound-bite. I very much doubt you can really describe him as "One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ" just coz he's only addressing the Abrahamic religions. I'm sure he knows there are other schools of thought out there and he was just talking in the context of his current piece which, by the way, does NOT say that those religions are the only religions. Sit down and think clearly about things before leaping on your "this is policitically incorrect!" bandwagon and you'll lead a much less stressful life.

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Nine days until Serenity :) (Seven if I get tickets to the UK premiere, but that's unlikely... and only two if you're in the US. Lucky buggers...)


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