Yubi-Wa! Bone-conducting wireless headset

Justin McCurry from The Guardian describes this funky-sounding device which basically turns your finger into a stylus which you can then insert into an orifice in your skull. He says
"When the user's index finger is inserted into the ear, a bone conduction transceiver turns vibrations into sounds."
A bone conduction transceiver? I need to get a transceiver implant? Oh, you mean your ear! Technically, your eardrum, ossicles and cochlea I suppose. Bone conduction tranceiver, indeed! Is Mr. McCurry parroting buzzwords without comprehending them? I think so.
Judging by the picture this ugly thing is still a long way off mainstream use but the idea is cool. Other journalists have commented that sticking your finger in your ear just looks silly but if they get the thing down to a reasonable ring size, it wouldn't look any worse than people wandering around holding wired "hands-free" microphones to their mouths, or pressing on earpieces in noisy places. Can't be worse than side-talkin'...
Anyway, something to watch out for if they manage to develop one small enough to just clip inside your hat and buzz conversations through your skull. I'd buy it.
Tagged: technology | phones
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