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Thursday, September 22, 2005

Goodbye to freedom in the UK

Scary article in The Guardian today:
"They handcuff me, hands behind my back, and take my rucksack out of my sight. They explain that this is for my safety, and that they are acting under the authority of the Terrorism Act. I am told that I am being stopped and searched because:
  • they found my behaviour suspicious from direct observation and then from watching me on the CCTV system;

  • I went into the station without looking at the police officers at the entrance or by the gates;

  • two other men entered the station at about the same time as me;

  • I am wearing a jacket "too warm for the season";

  • I am carrying a bulky rucksack, and kept my rucksack with me at all times;

  • I looked at people coming on the platform;

  • I played with my phone and then took a paper from inside my jacket."

So we should remember to always look policemen in the eye. Yeah, that wouldn't be suspicious at all. And for god's sake, don't look at other people on the platform!

Why are these policemen allowed out with such atrocious training and guidance? You can't prevent terrorism by stopping random people in the street coz you don't like the look of them! Even if you think you can, use some common sense - the guy leaned against the wall with his rucksack - hardly the actions of a man carrying a bomb. What incriminating evidence were they expecting to find? I suppose unfounded arrests are a step up from shooting innocent people in the head, but that doesn't make them okay. Particularly when looking "suspicious" can now legally be used as justification for searching my house and confiscating PCs, random electrical equipment and maps without leaving a receipt or inventory of the goods taken. I suppose they were hoping that the maps would have handy little crosses with Plant Bomb Here marked on them.

This later section is the one that inspires me with the most confidence in the police force:
"3.20am I am interviewed by a plainclothes officer. The police again read out their version of events. I make two corrections: pointing out that no train passed between my arrival on the platform and when I was detained, and that I didn't take any wire out of my pocket. The officer suggests the computer cables I had in my rucksack could have been confused for wires. I tell him I didn't take my rucksack off until asked by police so this is impossible. "

Always reassuring when they just make stuff up.

Edit 23/9/05:
London cops mug blogger - boingboing.net.
David Mery's website (the arrestee). The original article is there under "2005-09 Innocent in London"


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