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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

UK Serenity ticket stub competition

UIP are apparently giving away "an exclusive Serenity gift" to crazy fans who see the film three times within between 7th and 31st October. The website is here andis registered by UIP so looks legit, though I haven't heard what the gift is from any of the forums, or if anyone has received one yet. Also, it looks like they've displayed the postcode as W!A 2YA, instead of W1A. Easy mistake to make but very unprofessional.

They did a pretty abysmal job of promoting this promotion, since I can't find a link to it from the official UIP or Serenity websites and there was no mention of it in the cinema or to the fans outside the London premiere. I found out about it from a friend and its been mentioned on a few forums, but that's it. Annoying, since I saw it once within the timeframe and binned my ticket. Lucky I have that Unlimited card :) I'm wandering into the cinema whenver I walk past and picking up a free ticket to the film each time. Only need one more! Yes, the gift is probably something really naff like a set of coasters but I don't care. It's exclusive ;)



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